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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Let's take a look at Netball...

Yes, both the NBA and NFL are locked out.  No, I have nothing to say about the NHL or MLB right now.  So, let's look at Netball.  Why?!?!  Why not?  I'm out of the country and where I am, the World Netball Championships are taking place.  Yes, I know you have no idea what I'm talking about.  I'm in Singapore.  Want more information on the event?  Here's a link:  If you're in Singapore and want to check out the action, here's a link to purchase a ticket.

I have no idea what Netball is.  Honestly, I had no idea even existed as a game and/or sport.   

Want to know more about it?  Here's a video I found on youtube...

It looks like a cross between basketball and "horse".  Go figure. 


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