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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

With the 1st pick in the 2011 NBA Draft, the Cleveland Cavaliers select...

I've written about the NBA Draft lottery before, and from what I can tell most of you have read that post today.  Here's the link, in case you have no idea what I'm talking about:

Yes, I do think the NBA Draft lottery is somehow rigged.  I'm not saying it's done every year, but some years look more suspicious than others.  Don't ask me how it's done, especially since they went to the ping pong balls, but something seems awfully interesting about the Cleveland Cavaliers getting the 1st and 4th picks this year. 

It's a shame that the player talent pool is shallow this year.  As a Cavs fan and a Duke fan, I'm interested to see how Kyrie Irving does in Cleveland.  After the debacle and let down associated with last year's season, I'm looking forward to rebuilding the Cavaliers under Byron Scott.

At least Cavs fans will have something to be excited about.

Incidentally, I received an email this morning from a former customer of mine in Minneapolis.  His email read, "You got our draft pick.  Please treat it kindly."  Funny.  For the record, I think the Timberwolves are just fine with Kevin Love and Michael Beasley...

It may be a small victory, but I'll take it.  Go Cavs!  I can hear David Stern now, "With the 1st pick in the 2011 NBA Draft, the Cleveland Cavaliers select..."

Oh, and you have plenty of time to sign up for a Twitter account so you can follow the NBA Draft when the actual picks are made.  Trust me.  If you're a basketball fan, you'll want to follow the commentary.  It's pure comedy.

Update:  I just heard David Kahn's comments.  He's not alone in his thoughts.  We've all seen the 1985 footage.  I remember thinking the same thing for the 2003 lottery, when I saw Gordon Gund's positioning near the podium.  I didn't watch last night's draft lottery, but I'm just saying the outcome looks "interesting" after the previous, dreadful Cavs' season.


1 comment:

  1. An excellent player, it is a shame that the NBA is having these difficulties right now.
