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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kareem deserves and will get a statue ~ Patience...

I have to make this quick since I have some place to go, but here it is...

I was thinking about Kareem Abdul-Jabbar today.  Come on!  As if you weren't also.  LOL.  Anyway, I was thinking about Kareem and it somehow reminded me about all those girls who have been dating men forever and are impatiently "waiting" and nagging their significant others about getting engaged. 

I love Kareem.  I skipped a day of medical school to go to the local MC Sports to have him sign a Lakers hat and take his picture.  My dad went to some auction a million years ago and came back with an autographed Kareem picture.  I went to a Los Angeles Dodgers game and Kareem threw out the first pitch.  I will never forget it. 

I don't know the specifics about the relationship with the Lakers and Kareem, but I do know the history.  5 titles.  He's a center.  He's THE big man (i.e. behind Bill Russell).  I can't finish Bill Simmons' "The Book of Basketball", because of all the Kareem bashing.

All I can think about is the poem I once heard...

Patience is a virtue
Possess it if you can
Seldom found in women
Never found in men!

Don't worry Kareem...  Unlike those ladies nagging their men for a ring, I can guarantee you that you'll get what you want.  You will get your statue and when you get it ~ I'll take a trip out to LA to check it out!

I need to get a Skyhook shirt:


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