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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tiesto's Club Life Tour hit Washington DC ~ Great show and an attendance record

Yesterday most of my friends were excited for one thing only.  Club Glow brought Tiesto's Club Life Tour to the DC Armory last night.  It was an 18+up show, and that normally makes my friends hesitate.  However, the chance to dance and be a part of the crowd of 10,000+ for Tiesto's largest US show (i.e. minus festivals), were opportunities that couldn't be passed up.  ****  It's my understanding that this was an attendance record for a US show (i.e. minus festivals).

I used to date a guy that loved all things Tiesto.  Some people followed sports and Michael Jordan.  He was all about Ministry of Sound and Tiesto.  ****  I think it's because he spent a lot of time vacationing internationally.  Some people vacation in Las Vegas and Florida.  He went to the Full Moon Party in Thailand and partied in Ibiza.  I once listened to "Beautiful Things" by Andain and Tiesto over 50 times in one day because it was he and his roommate's favorite.  If you haven't heard the tune, where have you been?!?!  Here it is for you to check out, since I mentioned it.

I haven't been as familiar with the club scene, since Jason and I broke up many years ago.  Let's face it ~ I'm not the girl you'll find running around Winter Music Conference, but every now and again you will catch me at a place where Tiesto is spinning.  The last time I saw Tiesto was in 2008, and I can STILL FEEL the heat from all the bodies dancing.  Surprisingly, I think since the doors were open for the loading docks etc, the Armory was kept cool enough for last night's show.

The DJ's for last night's show were:
Matt Goldman
Roberto Gonzalez
Cedric Gervais -

Matt Goldman
To be expected, the crowd grew as the night went on, with Goldman doing the hardest work revving up people who arrived early. 

Roberto Gonzalez followed up the heavy-lifting.  ****  I actually left during part of his set to run over to RFK Stadium to see David Beckham. 

Changing of the guard: Matt Goldman out, Roberto Gonzalez in

Cedric Gervais
By the time I returned to the Armory, Cedric Gervais was playing to about 75-80% of a full house.  Gervais was killing it, and he definitely had the crowd riled up for Tiesto to come out.  Around 10:30 the Tiesto chants started.

The last time I was at a venue like this (i.e. with this many people, standing in a building with a long "hall" was when I was in the UK and saw Jay-Z at Alexandra Palace!

Tiesto came out and did his thing.  My friend, Giselle, posted the Tiesto remix of "Girls with Bangs" by Lune, on her facebook profile.  When it came on I know she was thrilled!  Here's the tune, if you want to check it out.

The crowd of 10,000 plus people at the Armory was treated to a spectacular show.  I was excited to be part of the event, especially since it was my first time at this particular venue.

Later in the evening I found myself next to Goldman with Gervais and Gonzalez behind me, while Tiesto was on stage.  Yep, that's how it should be!



  1. A record? Where did you hear that? It was def a record for me and probably DC, but what about all the huge clubs in Europe?

  2. Here's a vid

  3. Andrew - You're right. I need to qualify the statement and add that I heard it was a US record. Thanks for the comment!

  4. does anyone know how to get a full recording... link me at

  5. if anyone has a link to the full recording add it here too, please!

  6. what a wonderful videos, I love tiesto, I think he is from another planet, just awesome.....
