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Thursday, April 28, 2011

For LOVE of the game, not "love" for the player(s) ~ Don't assume anything

Being that I travel, blog, and tweet about people, places, and things related to sports I think I need to make something clear again.  I'm not a groupie.  I don't mess around with athletes or people affiliated with sports.  I have one ex-fiancee who's STILL in the league.  I've been offered the oportunity to increase my numbers, I've politely declined.  Why?  The NBA and professional sports world is a small fraternity.  Yes, it's still more or less still a fraternity.  Once you're in the circle of trust and respected, you see just how small it is.  People talk.  People talk A LOT.  Everyone loves a good story, and there are usually plenty of crazy stories to be told.  I never wanted any of those kinds of stories to be told about me.  I actually have love for the game (i.e. and by game, I mean the actual sport and the entire sports-related experience - fans, food, venue, city, etc.).

I see a lot of athetes.  I know a lot of athletes, coaches, front office, and media people.  When my ex-fiancee asked me out the night he met me, he had to ask for my number a few times before I caved.  I ended up making him a deal.  I'd give him mine, if he gave me his.  We traded.  The next day, he called me twice.  ****  I actually thought he'd never call, since I lived an hour away from him.  And, yes, I'll admit that I was a complete cheeseball and played his voicemails for my friend, Chubs, since he was a huge fan. 

I don't give out my number.  I don't take numbers.  In the world of facebook and twitter, no one talks to anyone anymore anyway.  I see people, when I run into them.  Ijust happen to be everywhere.  When I see people, I snap a picture, say what I want, and keep it moving. 

A couple of nights ago, I was out with a couple of friends and Jared mentioned a blog called "Chasing the Jersey".  I checked it out yesterday.  From what I can tell, Stefanie Williams is younger than me and has a penchant for hockey and baseball players and other activities with those athletes.  (Sorry if that sounds vague, but I need to be lame like that for various reasons.)  I contacted Stefanie before I published this post and feel the need to add this quote from her email, "I'm not completely blind to the many, many downfalls of dating athletes. I simply just document what I've been through, what I've enjoyed and what I've hated."  Fair enough.  She's REAL. 

We all have our thing, so to each their own.  I'm not judging her, but it's not my thing.  I don't know how she feels about the term "groupie", but I know she does not want to be confused with the girls on  I can't say that I blame her.  I read a few of her blog posts, and I did find it entertaining.  ****  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I didn't really read, but I did skim.  The girl definitely has a flair for comedic writing. 

At any rate, I used to find it funny when people assume that a girl, as into sports as I am, must be a groupie.  People who know me, know that my sports knowledge is top notch and respect me and my passion for the game.   No, I won't be able to convince everyone that I'm not one of "those girls".  Frankly some people will just never understand...

My reputation is important, since it precedes me.  I learned early in life that you lose peoples' respect, it's next to impossible to get it back.  You may not agree with my point of view or opinions, but you will respect them.  If you find me at a game, I'm really there for the game.  I'm just not interested in pursuing any other activities. 

ONE.  That's the number.  If your number is higher, that's fine with me.  That's your business.  I'll listen to and read my friends' stories.  There are a number of women, I can think of, that jumped from player to player (i.e. and even team to team) as a WAG.  That's their thing.  It's just not mine.

A couple of nights ago, my friends were trying to figure out who I should go out with if I was going to date someone in the league again.  The pool of 7', European ball players is shallow.  As we were laughing amongst ourselves playing FMK, they continued to make suggestions.  Terrified, I added another criterion: No D league.  See what I mean?!?  I'm picky... 

I've been looking for a quote for a LONG time now, and wouldn't you know I just found it.  Every now and again, I'm home during the day.  When I'm home, I usually have Oprah on in the background.  One day, Tyler Perry's character, Madea, was on.  Here's a quote that has stuck with me ever since.  I think it's a quote from one of his movies.  Madea says it to Vianne:  "***will get you dinner and a movie, holding out will get you cars and jewels and houses." 

Think about it.


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