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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Basketball Wives Reunion ~ Doesn't this look like Tami's Dress?

Picture from: Forever 21
I've been looking at the previews for the Basketball Wives reunion and it looks like Tami's dress (i.e. not in her silver/gray color but in olive or black) can be found here.  If you prefer you can copy and paste the following link:

Yes, you read the link correctly.  I'd be willing to bet that the dress is from Forever 21 or was copied by someone and is being sold at Forever 21. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not making fun of Tami or Forever 21.  I'm just pointing out that I can see a dress and find it online.  ****  I have the uncanny ability to tell you where you bought a turtle neck sweater based on the ribbing or a shirt based on the stripes.  Trust me.  I have that talent.

I can't wait to watch the reunion and to see how John Salley handles the women.  Should be great TV.  The reunion show in on Sunday, March 13 AND on Monday. March 14 at 8PM on VH1.

Here's a clip of the upcoming reunion show:


1 comment:

  1. I haven't really watched that series but I find it interesting. It's nice to know the way they wear their dresses.

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