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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

NBA All-Star Sunday ~ I started the day at The Ivy

On Sunday morning, I woke up fairly early (i.e. I skipped the parties, since Saturday was a rainy and colder night).  Plus, I was exhausted.  I needed to rest.

Lucky for me, I'd already made arrangements for a ticket to the All-Star Game so I had most of the day to play and relax.

I met my friend, Tyree for brunch at The Ivy.  ****  Technically I had dinner because I was starving.  

It was good to catch up with her and sit outside.  I had tried to get away from all the NBA activity at brunch, but sure enough there was no escape.  Check out the jacket behind me!

I ordered the lobster with pasta and a banana daiquiri.  For dessert I had the pumpkin pie.  I recommend all the selections I made. 

My best advice, if you want to get in and out is to get there early.  Sure we lingered a bit since we were catching up, but we weren't there to gawk at celebrities.  By noon, the place was starting to get hopping!  That's when we left.


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