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Monday, February 14, 2011

My Grammy tweet timeline ~ Random thoughts during the award show

I've compiled my Tweets from the Grammys.  I've removed the ones where I tweeted other people and replied to others.  They're from most recent to oldest.  Enjoy!
  • I feel like I should've watched the Oklahoma City Thunder play instead of the #Grammys...
  • Arcade Fire for Album of the Year?!?! Seriously? What a waste of time. Where's #Kanye when you need him? #Grammys. Thumbs down.
  • No more lady antebellum!!!! #Grammys
  • Arcade Fire... Am I still watching the #Grammys?
  • Can't wait too see #Rihanna and Lenny #Kravitz perform on NBA All-Star Sunday. It'll be hot!
  • #Rihanna and #Drake... Hot! #Grammys
  • Love Diddy, but.. Check out #Diddy's lower grill and why does he look like a waiter who just got off a shift? #Grammys
  • Nicki #Minaj... With a 101 dalmations wig like Cruella... Ummm.. Ok... #Grammys
  • Anyone know the Oklahoma City #Thunder score? I'm a bit over the #Grammys...
  • Barbara Streisand... Wow. Terrific. #Grammys
  • Ok. Get Jagger off stage. We get it. #Grammys
  • Mick Jagger on stage. Looks and sounds good to me! He came out looking a bit like a matador. #Grammys
  • i feel like the crowd should be snapping during this Grammy PSA. I hate jazz. #Grammys
  • Grammy camp... Who knew? #Grammys
  • I mean hotter from all of them. Number was hot, but I feel it was missing something.”
  • Dr. Dre!!! With #Eminem and #Rihanna... You think he's still working out? Performance was good, but I've seen hotter. #Grammys
  • Bring out Dr. Dre!!!! #Grammys
  • If you haven't seen #Eminem live you need to! Seen him at Anger Mgmt Tour and at the Home and Home tour. Amazing. #Grammys
  • #Rihanna... Just beautiful. #Grammys
  • I didn't know Johnny Depp played guitar
  • John Mayer looks like he's trying to Johnny Depp... Fail. #Grammys
  • Is the girl in the black dress wearing the dress Camille Grammer almost wore to the Tony's? #RHOBH. #Grammys
  • Katy Perry resembles Eliza #Dushku... #Grammys
  • #Gwyneth sounds good but she looks like she should be performing on a talent show, not the #Grammys.
  • Cee Lo Green (a cross between a peacock and a fraggle rock puppet) and Gwyneth Paltrow... Diggin' it. #Grammys
  • Ever been to the Bahamas? Cee Lo Green looks like he's ready for Junkanoo! #Grammys
  • "It's a 1/4 after 1 and I'm drunk dialing you now" was probably the original line for the song... #Grammys
  • From now on, I am going to backlight myself to check my split ends... #Grammys
  • So maybe we can't get Clay Matthews a barber, but what about a trip to the mall? Sup with the outfit? #Grammys
  • #Gaga imagined Whitney Houston singing Born This Way? Random. I hear #Madonna. #Grammys
  • How many times do we get to watch #Usher perform "oh my gosh"!?!? Didn't he do it last All-Star? #Grammys
  • The sound is off on #Bieber's never say never performance... Might have to see movie, but prob won't. #Grammys.
  • I've got #Bieber fever. #Grammys
  • I'll admit it right now. I think the "grenade" song is dumb. I bet he'd catch it and wing it somewhere else though. That'd be smart.
  • Lenny #Kravitz still looks hot. Haven't seen him since #GNR concert at #Hammerstein Ballroom... #Grammys
  • #gaga's "born this way" sounds like "express yourself" by #madonna... gaga is also sporting the madonna pony-tail #grammys
  • who's the kathy griffin look a like that was singing aretha's song? am i watching bravo? #grammys



  1. LOL! You and I have the same thoughts! Every time they showed John Mayor in the audience I thought it was Johnny Depp until he presented! LMAO! I luvd Gwenyth, Cee lo, Em, Drake, and Rihanna but overall I thought the show was boring and lacked something which is sad because last years show was AMAZING (I still have it on my DVR) :-)

  2. you're so right! last year's was so much better. i think i have last year's on my dvr also. what's funny is that kanye west said the same thing about john mayer. he tweeted, "i didn't know johnny depp played guitar". i literally laughed out loud!
