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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Movie: Black Swan ~ Even a girl needs to "man up" every now and again

Black Swan.  OK, so I finally got around to checking this movie out.  Today I decided to go for a triple header, and Black Swan was the first movie of the day.  Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis are the main characters in the movie.  Portman evolves throughout the movie in order to escape a suffocating mother, to assert herself, and to pursue her ultimate passion (i.e. dance).  Throughout the movie, Portman's character is challenged to channel her darker side as she "competes", for the role of the Black Swan. 

Portman and Kunis' characters are polar opposites.  Portman's character is a weak, control-freak.  Kunis' character is a strong, free-spirit.  Kunis' "Devil may care attitude" is a sharp contrast to Portman's "look before you leap" approach.

I'll put it out there right now.  I'm not a fan of people who are weak, timid, or shy.  If you can't assert yourself, I tend to lose patience with you.  As a result, as I watched the movie, I grew tired of Portman's expressions and character.  I almost found myself rooting against her, just to make her quizzical, whiny expressions come to an end.

I'm not going to get into any more details about the movie.  I have heard that some people have had nightmares after watching it.  I guess I'll find out whether that's true, when I decide to close my eyes for the night.

Overall the movie is a good one, but I'm not sure I'd watch it again or recommend it to anyone who isn't female.  I really doubt that the "typical male", really cares about the struggle of a young ballerina.  Needless, to say even among my female friends, I'm pretty sure that I'm in the minority here.  However, I've never been a fan of the ballet and like I said, weak main characters annoy me. 

Bottom line:  Unless you're into girl drama and dance/ballet, I'd skip it.


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