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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Charles Oakley to the Bobcats as part of Paul Silas' coaching staff

Congratulations to one of my favorite former New York Knicks and Cleveland's own, Charles Oakley, on his new coaching job with the Charlotte Bobcats!  As someone who grew up in Ohio and followed the physicality of the Knicks, it's great to see Oakley transition into coaching. 

Actually, when I met my 1st fiancee, I asked him on the day that we met, "What do you think about that Oakley-Camby trade?"  ***  Earlier that day or the day prior, the New York Knicks' Charles Oakley and the Toronto Raptors' Marcus Camby were traded for each other.  He responded that he didn't watch basketball.  That was a lie, though, because he played basketball for the Cleveland Cavaliers.  He knew exactly what I was talking about.

Anyway...  It's been announced today, and confirmed by the banger himself on Twitter (i.e. Twitter name: CharlesOakley34), that he's joining Paul Silas' crew in Charlotte.

Alright, Bobcats...  Now I'll be pulling for you (i.e. or at least checking the scores).


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