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Monday, October 11, 2010

Brett Favre's voicemail or his 500th TD pass ~ What do you care about?

I don't know about you, but I don't want to hear every professional football player's inappropriate voicemail message nor do I really care about any inappropriate text messages.  I heard Favre's voicemail on Friday on the radio.  I don't condone infidelity, but I do think it's a personal matter between him and his wife.  Further, as long as there are no charges/convictions against him, I think it's a dangerous precedent for the NFL to "set" (i.e. to punish these types of behaviors as an offense to the code of conduct).

That's my 2 cents.

Now back to the business of the New York Jets v Minnesota Vikings, MNF match-up...  Congratulations to Brett Favre on his 500th career touchdown pass (i.e. of which  Randy Moss was the recipient)!  The Vikings are still down 7-15 with the 3rd quarter coming to an end...

Now that this blog post is done, I can start leaving inappropriate voicemails!  HAHA.  Just kidding.  Obviously, I need to order a voice changer first... Duh...  :-P



  1. I agree with you, I thought the same thing with Ben Roethlisberger. That was a more serious matter with the police being involved etc, but I think the conduct policy is a slippery slope. I'm sure that a large percentage of players have violated that policy somehow.

    I'm sorry I ever stumbled upon those pictures though, yikes1

  2. i haven't seen his pictures, but i did notice that jenn sterger looks a lot like his wife! i guess he has a "type". oh well. he's still down 2 points as of now, with a little under 5 minutes left in the game...

  3. Yeah, this is getting brutal ... and it's not going to get any better with mobile phones around ever corner and more and more of this stuff making the web. His interview tonight was comical and sad at the same time, because you could tell he was holding back tears. Feel bad for his family. Tough to feel bad for the athletes with all this stuff.

  4. it just makes you wonder why this all came out right before the jet's game... i didn't see the interview, but i did see him bob and weave post-game when he was asked about it. he really crapped the bed on this one, but at the end of the day i don't watch "brett the husband", i watch "brett the QB" and last night, he lost.

  5. I wondered about the timing too. I heard about this story a long time ago - 6 months or more - and now it's suddenly all over the news.

  6. wow - you must keep secrets well! i just heard about it when it broke this week. i saw today that stergen doesn't want a quick resolution, she wants the proper resolution (i.e. or something like that)... this could get ugly!

  7. Wait, I'm wrong about 6 months. I just checked my email and it was the beginning of August, my friend forwarded it from a gossip blog. I didn't pass it on because I didn't really care at the time, and still don't. It was just a ha ha isn't this funny kind of thing. I just read that a couple more women have come forward about texts from him, I guess this story isn't going away...

  8. too bad. i just think it seems lame/strange that "all of a sudden" these texts and messages are out. sure it's a distraction, and i'm sure it's not doing his marriage any favors, but it seems like it's his own personal business and there's no reason for anyone to share it with the world. maybe the girl has some agenda now... who knows. all i can think about is the saying about playing with fire and getting burned...
