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Friday, September 10, 2010

Saints defeat Vikings in Home Opener ~ Everyone wins in New Orleans

Thursday morning I woke up and drove to BWI so I could head to New Orleans for the New Orleans Saints home opener against the Minnesota Vikings.  It was the first game of the 2010-2011 NFL season, and you better believe that I wasn't going to miss watching the defending Super Bowl XLIV Champions at home.

During my layover in Charlotte, I received a text from The Rick telling me that there would be a huge craps session at 1 and that I was invited to a tailgate before the game.  Looks like The Rick was trying to play nice in order to make it into this blog, since he and I weren't getting along a few weeks prior.  Well, it worked.

I landed in New Orleans around 2 and hopped in a cab to head to Harrah's.  I shared the cab with some man, so already I caught my cost in 1/2.  Rather than $33, I paid $18 (i.e. you have to tip the driver).  Already I made money :)

As soon as I got to Harrah's I went straight to the craps table to find my friend.  He saw me walking towards him and the $15 craps table, so so much for surprising him.  He was wearing Deuce McAllister's jersey.  We played craps and then off to the tailgate with Bubba, Bubba's kids, The Rick's sister, and  The Rick's brother-in-law we went.  A few pieces of fried chicken and some beers later, I was ready to get into the New Orleans Superdome for my inaugural visit!

After the Super Bowl banner dropped (Picture courtesy of The Rick)

As soon as I sat in my seat, Eddie (i.e. the guy sitting next to me) introduced himself to me and asked if I was rooting for the Saints.  Yes, I was.  He then gave me the original ticket for my seat (i..e I only had the ticketmaster print out).  THANK YOU, EDDIE!  For someone (i.e. like me) who collects ticket stubs, I was thrilled!  Eddie, his sister, and his brother-in-law were a fun group to sit with and we had a fun time rooting for the Saints together.

Saints taking the field

Harry Connick Jr. on the float

Coin toss

Brett Favre and the Vikings offense at work

Action shot

Drew Brees and the Saints offense at work

Sit in these seats and you can plummet to your death - YIKES!!!

The Saints defeated the Vikings 14-9.  The should've defeated the Vikings 20-9, but the kicker missed to field goals left...  LACES OUT!

After the game, I walked in the heat with the masses towards the casino.  The Rick met me there and we played craps til about 3:30AM.  I won!!!!  ****  FYI - If you're not going to place odds behind your pass line bet, you shouldn't be playing craps.  After a quick burger at Fuddrucker's I was off to the airport to head back home. 

Fun little 14 hour New Orleans adventure:
1) Saints won 
2) I won
3) Happy birthday, Ricky!


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