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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Wirk visits the Pardon the Interruption (PTI) set

What did you do on your 4th of July holiday from work?  I took advantage of the day off to catch up with friends and visit one of them at work.  I went to the Pardon the Interruption set with my friend, Neville, to see our friend Michael Wilbon shoot PTI.  ****  Tony Kornheiser wasn't there, so for those of you that want a TK story ~ sorry, you're out of luck.  Bob Ryan filled in for him.

Actually, there really is no story that I'm going to write about now.  I live for our round table discussions and of course we discussed NBA free agency along with other headlines, but that's private talk amongst friends.  If you're keeping up with the blog or me at all, you know that I'm working on expanding my audience and waiting to hear back on another project that I'm "wirking" on.  In the interim, I'm living and working as usual ~ and as always, "living the dream".

It was great to catch up with friends I hadn't seen in a while, and fun to see how PTI makes it into your homes.  I'd seen the show shot on the Ocean Drive in the days preceding the Super Bowl XLIV in Miami, but it's much different to see it in studio.

The PTI in-studio set

I shared a couple of pictures of my visit yesterday with some friends, and I wasn't surprised at their reactions.  So many people love Pardon the Interruption.  Seriously.  What's not to like?  It's a great show, with great talent, and the hosts keep it moving.  It's brilliant.

I'm extremely lucky to have such great friends that support me and share my passion for sports.  Life is good!

FYI - If I ever go again, I'm bringing a cardboard cutout of my face for the background...  Consider yourselves warned :-P  I just need to buy a printer (i.e. or get one as a gift).

Lastly, if any of you do anything fun and sports/music/travel related for work that I can come and check out, send me an email:  You never know, I'm always looking for new, fun things to do!



  1. Hello. I came across your page while trying to figure out if the public is able to watch PTI being taped? I recently moved to the D.C. area and would love to watch an episode live. Is this possible? Thank you and good luck in the sports field.

  2. thank you. from what i could tell it doesn't look like they open the studio to the public for tapings. good luck!

  3. great article! I also found this on google b/c i will be visiting DC this weekend and wanted to know if the studio or at least outside of the building was available for photos..any idea? or where its located? thanks!


  4. PTI is shot at Atlantic Video.

    Atlantic Video | 650 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC 20001 | 202.408.0900 |
