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Friday, June 11, 2010

Quck Poll: Do you want Tom Izzo to coach the Cavs?

By now we all know that the current head coach of the Michigan State Spartans, Tom Izzo, is being wooed by Dan Gilbert and the Cleveland Cavaliers.  He and his family visited Cleveland on Thursday.  ****  As an aside, I want to know exactly what he and his family were shown with regard to the city.  I've always been curious as to what people highlight, since we all know that "Cleveland Rocks".  But I digress... 

Most basketball fans are familiar with the history of NCAA basketball coaches who matriculate to the NBA, soooooooooo as a Cavs fan and an Ohio native, I'm curious what people think. 

The question is simple.

Do you want to see Tom Izzo coach the Cavs?  And, with regard to your answer ~ why or why not?



  1. Izzo's flat-out crazy to leave the college game. Especially when a) there's no guarantee LeBron is staying, and b) even if LeBron does stay [which I actually think is a stretch], how well is a 'green' college coach, even one as good as Izzo, going to mesh with LeBron? The pro game is 180 degrees different. Seems like a recipe for disaster to me. Izzo should take a page out of Coach K's book - stay in school.

  2. I couldn't have said it better myself. Izzo's situation "Izn't" broken; and therefore, he shouldn't fix it. If he does make the move to the NBA, my only guess is that (i.e. just like Deion Sanders sang), it "Must be the Money".

  3. Nice for the Cav's owner to steal the best head coach MSU has ever had... and he is an alum. What a dick.

  4. the play by play caller was replaced by someone from the state of michigan (years ago) and now the head coach. maybe gilbert should've just bought the pistons... hmmm - what about the employment angle and giving jobs to ohioans? :)

  5. The college coach to NBA coach experiment has failed and will continue to fail. I am not a MSU fan, but I do like the style he produces (reference my support of the University of Dayton Flyers, which, oh by the way, are NIT champions. Yes, I do care about that tourney). But I digress, I do not want Izno coaching my NBA team.

  6. I wish I'd posted about the Dayton Flyers back when it was relevant. What a season that was. If they hadn't given away some of the other games where they had large leads, the NIT would've been OBE. But I digress...

    Time to go light my Izno candle...

    I guess the only question now is whether or not Byron Scott FEELS like a "back-up" choice since it's obvious that he is Izno's back-up... Which I think is terrible since I'm an old school Laker fan, and I think Byron deserves more respect.

  7. Michigan State can keep Izzo; I've been wanting Byron Scott right from the start of this coaching search (but you knew that already). We definitely need someone who knows how to run an NBA team and someone who has had success at this level already.

    For example, a valedictorian in high school does NOT mean they will be automatically be successful at the next level. My 2 cents...

  8. agree ~ but, it looks like izzo is dragging his feet on this one ~ and i still think he's coming to cleveland, based on what i see and hear...
