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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is it time for Cleveland Cavaliers fans to panic?!?!

I read the following article, Cavs owner won't discuss Izzo reports, and I can't even tell you how many problems I have with this article.  Do I believe it?  No.  And if it's true, well then - I'm CONVINCED that LeBron is going to leave Cleveland, and you know what - I'll offer to help him pack.  Wow...

Dan Gilbert can refuse to admit that Tom Izzo has been offered the head coaching job...  I don't believe him.  Maybe he's trying to do something Jedi and make this job seem more appealing to Byron Scott or Jeff Van Gundy.  I have no idea.  However, I believe that Izzo has been made an offer and I'm terrified, that he might take it.

If you expect me to believe that LeBron has had no say in who the coach is going to be, then I ask you to paypal me $100...  I promise to spend it frivolously.  My paypal address is:  Seriously ~ send the money.  AND further if it's true that LeBron has had no say in Ferry and Brown's departures and that he's not engaged in ANY capacity with looking for a new coach, then I believe that the Cavs think he's leaving ~ and you should still paypal me, so I can afford counseling for the depression I'd experience...  I remember the days of Gund Arena.  I remember the NBA lockout.  I remember the years after it, when Gund Arena was quieter than your local library.  WNBA games might have been louder.  And, yes, I've actually attended a few Cleveland Rockers games so I know what I'm talking about.

In the article, Chris Grant is quoted as saying, "People look at this organization and have seen what it's done over the last five years and they're really impressed," he said. "They see games on TV, they see what the business side has done, they see the sellouts. People look at this and say, 'Wow, it's a desirable place and I'd like to be there."

Ummm yeah, Chris.  It's not rocket science.  You guys had LeBron James.  When you're a .500 team or below and you land such an impactful player OF COURSE people are impressed.  The quote is unnecessary and shows a degree of naivete, since he stated the obvious.  EVERYONE knows that the tide can turn in a few weeks.  Let's not be foolish.  Take a look at the contract numbers and birth certificates of my beloved Cavaliers and you can see that the Cavs could lose their core team easily and quickly to free agency, retirement, or Alzheimer's!

I hate to admit it ~ but Danny Ferry might have been one step ahead and onto something by leaving the Cavs... Ugh...

Congratulations on your new gig, Chris Grant.  You might have just become "Captain of the Titanic"... 

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