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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cinderella's going to the Ball, but I believe Duke will win on Monday

OK - so I went .500 last night.  I was probably the only person (i.e. aside from Magic Johnson, the actual Michigan State coaches, players, staff, and entire state of Michigan) who wanted the Spartans to win.  In the final seconds of the game, I think I actually jinxed them by calling my brother during a commercial break.  I called to ask him to score me a ticket to the finals if Michigan State won, because I'd fly to Indianapolis for a Michigan State v Duke final.  I was going to use Monday night as my chance to finally meet Magic Johnson.  How did I intend to do that?  Not sure really, but trust me ~ I'd find a way to get a quick picture.  With the game down to wire and Butler's players doing their best Charles Smith impressions (i.e. Knicks fans, you know what I'm talking about), I EAGERLY ANTICIPATED that Michigan State would drive the lane STRONGLY and score 2 points and win.  I figured there'd be a firesale of tickets if Butler had lost and I could benefit from the heartache and disgust of all the townies who supported their home team.  Instead, I watched the Spartan end his drive a little early and pull up too soon for a shot.  It looked like he was trying to draw contact, but SHOULD'VE taken another step or two and been more aggressive.  Oh well... 

**** Incidentally, I just checked my Twitter account and according to SethDavisHoops:  I asked Gordon Hayward if he fouled Draymond Green on that last play: "Dude I got his whole hand." Oh well X 2.

"I couldn't care less anymore" was the text I sent my brother when Butler beat Michigan State 52-50.  I figured Magic would hop the first plane back to the West coast, and I wasn't about to haul myself back to Indianapolis to see a Butler v Duke final.

Yes, I anticipated Duke would win on Saturday night.  It was a "given" in my book.  I took in the games at a friend's house and I was the only person rooting for Michigan State and Duke the entire night.  That's fine.  I'm strong in my convictions.

For the 2nd half of the game, we left my friend's house and I casually watched the game on the TV at our local hang out spot.  I didn't see Butler's collision with Zoubek.  I did see Butler on the court in severe pain and Coach Huggins trying to console him.  I saw the image on TV (i.e. without the sound and tried to keep up with the captioning) and immediately was taken aback by how close Huggins' face was to Butler.  Yeah, I said it.  You have to admit it looked creepy.  I read this morning that it was Butler's knee that was injured.  I hope he's alright ~ you never want to see anyone get hurt...  BUT that's sports and the show will go on.

Lastly, I checked my email about an hour ago and my brother informed me that he met and had his picture taken with Rollie Massimino yesterday.  Seriously?!?!  Does he not know me at all?  Now I'm all riled up again about 1985.  What a kick in the face!  Looks like it's time to light another candle for Ewing at my 1985 Georgetown shrine...  Serenity now.

As Dorothy, said "There's no place like home."  So, go ahead, Cinderella, enjoy the ball...  BUT, I still predict Duke will win on Monday.


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