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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ben Roethlisberger suspended for 6 games ~ What do you think?

All I can say is that I'm happy I went to Heinz Field LAST year...  If you've never been to Pittsburgh to see the Pittsburgh Steelers play, you must make the trip.  The stadium is located right downtown, near the Pirates Stadium (i.e. which looks great also).  If you go to Heinz Field, expect to see Steelers black and gold everywhere!  These fans are passionate about their team.  If you're not coming to the game in your gear, definitely hit a team store or a souvenir stand pronto.

Earlier today, even though no charges were files, Roger Goodell suspended Ben Roethlisberger for 6 games as a result of his violation of the NFL's conduct policy.  Essentially, Ben is being punished for his bad judgment.  I'm watching TV, and I believe this hits the QB in the pocket for about $3 million.  Now I don't know Roethlisberger, and I haven't been closely following his case.  However, I know how I feel about this suspension, and I'm definitely curious to hear what you think. 

You can leave your comments anonymously if you wish.

Yes, Ben, your future as a Steeler is a nailbiter...



  1. The evidence clearly points to Ben being a drunken, lecherous deviant. Just because he is "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" does not mean that we can't suspect he's a rapist. In the public opinion, Ben is guilty, and he needs to go to another team that is more able to rehabilitate him. Pittsburgh is not any sort of haven for drunken degenerates, whether they won us two Super Bowls or fifteen.

  2. So you agree with both the 6 game, suspension and support the Steelers pursuit to trade him. I can see, where Steelers fans would be less than enthusiastic about welcoming him back based on his off-the-field issues.

  3. I am a life long Steelers fan and I am disappointed in Ben Roethlisberger, but I think this suspension is harsh. By all accounts Ben is a jerk and is guilty of questionable behavior, but at the end of the day, in this case all there is is an accusation. Yes, I think he should have been suspended, but 6 games is too many. I don't like the guy but as long as he is winning games I want him on the team.

  4. I guess that's the issue ~ the extent of the commissioner's authority in a case where there are only allegations (i.e. her word against his). Obviously the Commish has the power, but I think this suspension is interesting since it appears to be based on "allegations" and therefore can create a slippery slope... I don't want a bunch of lecherous jerks in the league, but I also want to great players play. I think it's very challenging to establish and enforce code of conduct policies in sports, I guess that's why Roger Goodell gets paid the big bucks!
